
The Girl (3) - Cops

Then, out of the blue, a couple cops barged into the club. Speak about bad luck. The smoking pipe didn't want to go out, and so they made a beeline for us. I grabbed the pipe from one of her friends' hands and shoved it into my pocket. But the cops kept getting closer.

“Hey, girls. Try not to draw too much attention, okay? … I'll see what I can do.” I winked an eye at her as I went towards the cops.

“You. ID, please.” One of them said to me, while the other tried to walk past me.

I grabbed his wrist. “Hey, listen, okay?”

The first one threateningly took a hand to his weapon. “Hands off my partner, man.”

I awkwardly raised my hands, not wanting to draw too much attention. I saw at least two of the dealer's thugs casually looking at us. Oh, well. Shit. “Hey, guys. Lemme... show you something, okay? … No need to get nervous, it's just my ID.”

I subtly showed it, being careful no one but the cops saw it. Their faces changed immediately. “Oh, shit, we...”

I shushed them. If I was trying not to draw attention... Shit. “You two will take a look around, and will be careful not to see anything. If you get my meaning. Act casual, alright? … Last thing I need is more trouble.”


But they were as good at being discreetly oblivious as a kid glaring at an ice cream truck. Shit. I was back with the girls as the two cops stopped just a dozen feet before the dealer, who stared at them as if daring them to come. Again I saw his thugs getting ready. Then the cops turned around. And left. Like that. I tried to ignore it all and focus on her, 'till I again noticed a pat on my shoulder. God, doesn't anyone in here get what's going on, seriously? I turned around to see the same thug from before.