It was a few minutes past midnight. Most of the guys had already gone to bed, still trying to wrap their heads about how could the Big Brother crash completely -- and out of the blue, at that.
Meanwhile in Moscow, the tech department at the agency were scratching their heads --they had just come to work to find out the WHOLE system at South America was out of commission. They all thought their system was… fully secure -- in fact, this was the first time it had been hacked.
In the jungle, in the darkness, someone saw a light. And then another. And another. They were growing too. Soon, all the plantations in the zone were on fire.
Andrei groaned as he crawled out of bed to pick up the phone -- it was too damn early, for hell's sake. Then his face stiffened. Half of Colombia was on fire. … and he knew exactly what half.
On a lone cabin in the woods, listening to the radio and grinning like a lunatic, was Kay. … the operation had been a success apparently. The world was on fire. Now, these people didn't have any hope. Now their lives would finally change, one way or another.
I watched as people tried to make sense of it. Yes. It had been a success indeed.